

Entertain God with your deeds
Book entitled
The humble saw heaven
Written by Apostle Bonifácio

Title: Entertain God with your deeds

Brethren,i hope the grace of the greatest God is within you and if it's there let there be peace,love and joy always for these are everything the Lord of life is praying for.

I encourage you to clap your hands and give thanks to God for being the God who cares.

On "Jesus-the road to heaven" the angel of the Lord of life wrote that heaven seem to be far while is the closest place for you can't even spend a single dollar to reach there.

Today we call this Sunday a blessed and special day for we made ways to come closer to the divine Father and instead of eating a dinner with His children *He keep Himself busy by simply telling us the words of wisdom* which are meant to bring back the lost souls.

God the Almighty Father gave us a plenty of gold today and He reminded us to fight until we are *Spiritual poors* and His Son *Lord Jesus* told us a new and old parable :

(There are some people who entered heaven by simply inviting God to bless their food for they had faith that every single food and holy is a body of Christ for they knew that Satan doesn't have a good heart that He doesn't care whether people eat or not while He cares).

Some people,entered heaven when they received a disgusting old man at their place and gave him food to eat treating Him as one of their blood.Said the Lord of life.

When the evil one gives,he make sure everyone knows that he stretched his hand and gave the poor,satan is not a giver and if he gives he needs something in return... Jesus gave you yesterday,He gives you today and He will open the heaven for you to enter freely because He sees the spirit of humbleness in your midst.

All of us cannot preach at church but the spirit of the Lord encourage me to say that we are all preachers for the heaven blesses all those who hear the healing remedy at church and take it to all those who are weak spiritually.

God always makes it easy for us to follow Jesus footsteps in order to reach home where millions fail to reach.

Son & the
Holy Spirit.Amen

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