

Whispers of Nature
To and fro, To and fro,
That's how the swing goes.
To and fro, To and fro
Gently it goes.

Silently, from deep within me,
I hear the wind whispering to me
I hear it singing to me
I feel ease within me.

The flowers dance beautifully
To the tune of the groove
I watch carefully.
As the trees also move.

For a moment it stopped,
I said to myself I wish it never ended.
Still sitting on my swing top
Feeling offended.

A bird perch on the car windscreen wiper,
It sang beautifully.
It's song brought back the whisper.
It sings as the trees dance beautifully.

How amazing that the nature whispers,
The trees and flowers respond with a dance move.
The insects also response to the whisper
With their dance moves

The animals response to the nature's whisper;
They make different melodious sounds
When they hear the whispers,
That is how they bound.

Most humans love nature,
Not all hears the whispering.
Staying still most times is not a torture,
Learn to hear the nature whispering.

© Fab.cho