

My eyes are open and still they seem closed..

A cinder hued world surrounds me in my hazy dreams I thought felt you somewhere, but I wonder now if it was the hopeful thought of a fractured mind comforting itself.

Nevermind my words, I want to sink into the chaos again,I want to stretch my arms letting my fingers scratch and subdue this world set adrift into madness playing at corruption like it's a fashionable thought..

Do you think they know what it truly means to cast off their humanity? unaware they are to be a meal.

I've drenched myself in it's sanguine colored ocean,I've tested myself against it curious how deep the rabbit hole went until I severed myself to bits, and still there was nothing to know but the unbearable weight of existence when you just want to break and scatter and be nothing that should feel anything again.

There is no running from the abyss, once you've touched it's waters it's already too late, there is no power in nothingness only a monster waiting to devour fools and I do not care how that makes you feel, the audacity that they thought themselves as more, when they were nothing but a parasite upon the good and kind ....

So to the one who rose me from the ashes of my decent trying to save me let me go so that I can become the only thing that I've been marching towards from the moment I understood what I truly was.

Do you know what it feels like to want to slam yourself into the ground? Do you get me?

I know I just want oblivion and before that comes I want to swallow and burn all of the vile that come looking for power, I want to welcome them with teeth and claws to hear what they sound like when they realize what it was they destroyed others for as it chases them in the deep.

© CM