

The Worst
The days too eventually fell silent,
No sounds, not even by the crows,

All you could hear was the sound of,
Fear knocking on the doors,
Nobody wants to answer it,
Who could it possibly be?
we are suppose to be in lock down
As someone yells at the door "Answer Me!"
We all sit there in silence
All to scared to even move,
I wonder if it is someone we know?
None of us really know what to do.
Everybody out there is dying,
And nobody knows why for sure
To risky because of my parents
80 years old, and there is no cure.
So god please forgive me for not answering,
I can not loose my mom and my dad
god bless everyone who out there
Corona virus is the worst of the bad.
written by:Leanne Morgan(Doyle)2020