

from the soil to the farmer's sack
From the soil to the farmer's sack
from the soil to the sack
the farmer's new way of life
means to much yield and revolution
of Africans chief crop

from the mother earth to the sack
A major shift from the crude ways
for strength doesn't lie in mound and ridges
but one's ability to boast production

Oh! Ahajioku has moved in to sacks
for Chukwu ordered him to do so
Since the soils are polluted
His offsprings must find a way to survive

From the soil to the sacks
ji is a our source of strength
for it is revered from the beginning
and will remain so till the End

like in the soil, we plant thee in styles
to produce seedlings, we plant
with water you are kept nourished
and each kept in its chamber

© chim4234