

Celestial Symphony: A Dance of Cosmic Mystique...

In the stelliferrous cloak of cosmos' clasp,
Where orphic oracles in shadows dance,
Yūgen whispers through the swirling vast,
A rutiliant waltz, in celestial trance.

Beneath the chevelure of night’s embrace,
Asterlayna's tears, the stars, align.
Kalopsia blooms in the dark expanse,
Each petal a dream, a design, divine.

Moon child wades in synodic streams,
Through phantasmagoria of time's own weave.
Solasta secrets belight forgotten dreams,
Heavenized visions that mortals perceive.

Blackholes hum the hymns of void's veiled verse,
Vesta’s fire in the cold universe.
The enigma spins, a cosmic ballet,
In the infinite play, where night meets day.

#writcopoemchallenge #writcopoem #writco #nature #fantasy #beauty #sanhita

© Aylin