

The death of a dream
I see the reflection of my happiness,
In your eyes,
Picture perfect,
Like a bouquet of posies,
Like a sky full of sunshine....
Oh how I wish you were mine,
but alas, that did not come to pass.
I guess you and me
just weren't meant to be.
Here I sit all alone and weep,
there you go, your leaving me.
Pain and sorrow threaten a
unknowable amount of tommorows.
How silly of me, to believe,
a boy like you would ever love a girl like me.
A brave face with a trembling lip,
a single tear from a red and swollen
tear filled eye drips.
I watch as you go,
and with you my heart and soul,
Wishing you the well, hoping
you can't tell.
My heart is breaking in my chest,
I gave you my all, my very best.
One last wave goodbye,
you drive off to her, I sit down
to cry.
Forever left to wonder why?
Why wasn't I enough?
what about me you couldn't live?
Would there ever be a day so would
ever for anyone be good enough.
My faith gone,
I'm so very tired of being strong.
No one is gonna miss me win I'm
Gun in hand , bible clutched at
my best,
with the sound of the blast, I finally let
go if my past.

© uniquely.peculiar.divine.soul