

Rhythm of Two
“Take a walk with me,” you said,
opening the screen door
to a spring evening
on the edge of dusk.
The stars anchored the heavens
with a crystalline light
and a wispy breeze fluttered
your hair
as we passed the aging barn
to our right,
masked in shadow.
I could hear the horses stirring
with the sound of our footsteps.
An owl cried out, its silhouette
dropping to the earth talons first -
night vision finding its prey.
The deserted road
cut the corn fields like a wound,
black against moonlit gold
oozing down the hill -
side ditches filled with
skunk cabbage, dandelion, and trout lily.
You took my hand firmly,
as we stared at the moon,
now full and visible above the white pine
Leftover glint from the heavens
settled on our eyes,
traveling light years to
fall on us
and spark our path
around the next bend.
Where we would go
after that
I didn’t know then.
Only knew of that moment,
the warmth of your hand in mine,
matching steps stride for stride -
a beautiful rhythm of two.

© Laura DeHart Young