

No! you can't just tossed me around
I'm so precious than you can imagine
I deserved your respect cos I kept all your secrets
I know your fears, so you better start treating me right

I covered you with dignity and cover up shame
I conceal your illness and make you look elegant
I covered your insecurities and raise your head high
But what do you repay me with?
You toss me anywhere!

I'm your confident!!
Before you reacted, I felt it
When you jump, I jump
When you sit, I sit
You squeeze and pinch me to cover your emotions
But what do you repay me with?
You stepped on me

When you are cold, I kept you warm
When you felt ugly, I gave you confident
I showed you love but you didn't return the favor
I'm worth more than the treatment.
You bought me with your money,
But I kept all your deepest secrets

I deserve some respect!
Don't toss me away if you can't appreciate me
Don't lock me in the box if you don't need me
There are people who wants me to keep their secrets
There are people who deserved my love
Let me go, Set me free!
I want to go to where I will be appreciated
I'm not a prisoner, let me out!!

© beanbhasail