

guy on the screen
hey, boy on my screen,
the guy in my dreams, who’s never once seen
who i am and never will,
do you know how i would kill
for you to be here right now, to call me yours,
to have you wrap your arms around me
and tell me that i’ll be okay?

i’m dying, and nobody knows it,
but i see you on my phone
and now i’ve grown to turn to your thought
when things turn dull and grey,
you make me want to live another day

you don’t know me, never seen my face,
but if i could count all the days
of which i wanted to die, and wanted to cry,
and you were there in my mind,
which felt almost as if you were by my side,
well i’d lose track of every time
because it’s never-ending

i see you singing with your band,
see you doing amazing things
that make an influence on the world,
read the kind things you say to your fans,
and though i am just another one of them,
you impact me in a way you’ll never know

when the idea of you is here,
the fear leaves, my head feels clear,
i feel like i can withstand another day,
cause the thought of your presence
just makes me want to stay

and i wish i could thank you,
repay you, for i am in your debt,
i’d have you here holding my hand,
and i would try to make you understand
just how much you mean to me,
though you’d never know,
for you’re just a man through a screen,
and i am just some kid you’ve never seen.

(side note, this is not a fictional character. i say “on the screen” as in through social media. sorry if that’s confusing haha)

© vnm.ghst