

When It Rains, It Pours
It’s true what they say, the harder it rains you could see particles forming a reflection of yourself showing your true feelings from the inside. Pouring showers I see at my feet as it keeps raining harder inside of me. Crumbling regrets, mistakes committed I wish it wasn’t it, but I hate to inform it was my own duet.
I scattered through in search for what fulfills the sorrow inside my walls, yet further down the line was a maze I couldn’t possible find my way out. Than I met you at a crisis in infinite parallel travels in my lifeline. To myself I thought, the perfect pair like horoscopes I’ve read of in matchmaking books of signs I believed to be true. Sadly while it worked for a while, things ended too soon.
In the depths of my soul shattered like glass because unaware I was of how the sound is loudly when it hits the bottom, and you can feel it inside crackling cans of one’s favorite drinks. Wish I have been made of bricks. Feelings can cloud your vision, your judgment of another. Like dark clouds on a foggy drive, I couldn’t see any clearer. Wind shields on, yet still not clear until I put some warm ventilation of heat and somewhat became visionary. Distant but a bit better than the past few miles it was. Suddenly sun shine is to come as the darkness clears for a moment like my feelings above all. I wondered if all that occur was meant for. If what we endure had any meaning to events further down the line. Is our future truly at stake. It appears seperation was best, yet why do I feel this emptiness still? Answers there are many to find. This paths that separates you and I. Whether life brings us together or not again, will be determined from the mileage that it’s left within.
When it rains it definitely pours harder than you could possibly ever imagine. This love was knowledge, an experience to learn from. A friendship build that I hope we can retain. Entirely up to you, but on my behalf, if I may, I’m am only one call away.
© Johnny Cigars