

Fresh Start.
Fresh start,
As easy as taking a bath..
..In holy water.
As easy as deciding I'm done,
But I've always been terrible at absolutes.
So here I am bathing myself every day,
Then taking my fresh ass back for round two.
You could call me a fool,
But don't hate me if you ain't me,
What you see lives in you.

Fresh start,
As easy as changing your point of view,
What do you really know anyway?
But you built a world and it's hard to start again..
Yes I get it my friend,
Stay safe in your beautiful spot then
That's okay,
Not actually here to take you away.
To be continued...

Fresh start,
as easy as cleaning up your room,
As easy as taking the day to self groom,
Not just skin deep but all the way deep,
As easy as switching off all forms of connection for awhile,
So you can once again emerge as you.
Brand spanking new.

Art work by Danijela Simic ❤️

© Leila Rose