

I am made of blood and bone,
with a pinch of stardust.
I am shared ash, representing mine
who walked before me.
I am a blink of an eye in the whole of existence,
my own walk’s timing
carefully calibrated by God.
I brush the dust from their photographs,
and see myself staring back at me.
I know them well,
though we’ve never met.
Their plight, I somehow innately understand.
My ash calls out to me,
urging this apple’s return to the mother tree.
Roots aglow
The Earth below
It hums
From the Emerald Isle
to the Black Forest,
they’re calling.

~ 🌳 ~

Another (😅) Poetizer import.

My grandfather made sure I know where I come from. It’s because of his interest in genealogy that I became interested in it, too. I started studying my family lineage at age 19, and, at 33, I could tell you about all sorts of cool photos and stories I’ve uncovered.

Do you know where you come from? I encourage you to seek your origins. There will be details both amazing and unsavory, but it will teach you more about yourself, and why you are the way you are. 🙏

photo credit:
Jannes Jacobs // Unsplash

© branypoo

#ancestry #ancestors