

Mating Day
Love? I loathe the word.
Perhaps the most absurd of our human abstractions.
Up there with hope and fear.
A fabulous cocktail of chemicals stirred up in the insular cortex,
A potion of selflessness. False and fleeting.
This adaptation is no more grand than the dance of the vogelkop.

Glands flood our blood with compounds that make us mate and sometimes care for the product of that awkward operation.
Survival of the species dressed as a noble goddess. What a mess!

Maybe, I say, we stop making believe we aren’t animals and call 2/14 Mating Day for those celebrating.
For those who aren’t, bless you -
We’re eight billion strong as it is.
Let’s stop pretending that caring for our young is anything more than a projection of our fears and lack into a future that will forget us quite quickly.
Our legacy will not remember us long,
But perhaps it will still last, at least, in each subsequent diffusion and reunion of the atoms that make up ourselves.

#love #poetry #writco
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