

" Poetry A Sublime Genre "

A fine tale of Poetry is of centuries ago,
You're the Queen of all Literature
And of literary world.
Your dwelling citadel is in the hearts of
The Poets,
You dip in deep meditation and emotions,
And come out from as soft drops
To make bathe to the Genius Personality.
Ovid,Sophocles,Euripedes and large
Numbers and so many,
Your journey from Greek to England
From where You have been reigning till now.
Geoffrey Chaucer, the morning star of Rennaissance, made you sit in the throne ,
And shinning crown of your is twinkling lights. William Shakespeare, the mellifluous
Sonneteer gave you an exalted recognition.
Tire I'll be to tell you about but your
Glory and gracious will never be last.
Even today you and divine light
Will show the path to the world of poets,
I dedicate this rhymeless number to
Calliope who blesses her dear poets.
I'm not able to be a good poet
But you should confess my worthless piece.

Gautam Hritu

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