

Smaller gods (humans)
The bible made us to understand that we are smaller god's but humans today don't behave like they believe in that word .
You are a god, a jealous one
you are a god, you can't be defeated
you are a god ,you have that courage to face your fear
you are a god, you can make decisions and it's final
you are a god ,you can change world
you are a god ,you can make a better name for yourself
you are a god, powers has been given to you to control all rulers of darkness
you are a god, nothing is too hard for you to do
you are a god ,you can make darkness turn into light
you are a god, you can make things real
you are a god ,you can still leave the grave behind you
you are a god, you are not bigger than the one that called you smaller gods...

© Psalmist peace