

smoke stack lightning gall slow caloway small pox strippers and road rash alleyways
stung broke and first I hit dollars the godamn keno machine it went hollow so what you think you got it like that your in a dumb situation and your mama kill cats broken glass in the moldy tuna woulda put never or or prolly used ta I wanna know what's the secret prices for our suffer wheres our soul hiding life's it's a fucking bummer all I do is hurt anything that tries to give assistance by trying to believe that love is really submissive that people that just want to skip time might bless me with a land mine I want property look man it's the call the brush we got a ruthless situation and where getting drunk can't call the fucking dentist cuz the gas all been took we tried to give each other fillings but the shit didnt work so slow it down and pretend you aint aafflicted by an outside perspective influenced by superstition i wish i could explain...