

The border of Heaven and hell
Every soul that passes the gate,
Has passed a test of faith,
Trudging along on tired feet,
Almost there, gazing the street.

To the left is a smooth broad way,
It is preferred by billions.
And to the right seems astray,
narrow and beded with scorpions.

I stood clueless at the T-junction, Perpendicular to a signpost.
It reads"the left is destruction
and to the right is the Lord of hosts"

Insanity seems sane and rational
and the only clue seems delusional.
For many tread the broad way,
"it is comforting"they say.

Then I heard a silent audible voice
"do not follow the multitude,
For in vanity,they rejoice
and to the defiler is their gratitude.

The path houses the beautiful beasts,
the wisest fools framed for feasts
to attract potential sheeps from east
for the roaring lion to devour.

Though the path dashes treasures
and pleasures beyond measures.
But the devil only give out golds
to be returned in ten thousands folds.

But to your east is a path,
rocky and uneasy to tread.
but eternal joy is the aftermath
For the little that persevered.

They shall drink of life's clear river,
from a saviour loving hand.
They shall dwell with God forever,
In that far off better land.

Spotless robes and crown of glory
Joyful hymns and songs of praise
Shall be the theme of their story
In that far off better phase".

Then the demise of the voice
awakened me to reality
As I pondered on my choice
of answer to the test of eternity.

© Hazard. T