

Enmity of character

Beneath the sky, so vast and wide,
Walks one who carries grace inside.
With quiet steps and head held low,
Through life's great garden, they gently go.

No boastful words, nor proud display,
In every action, humbly sway.
A heart that knows its simple place,
Finds beauty in the common space.

They seek not gold, nor fleeting fame,
For they have learned the truest name.
Is found in deeds, not loud acclaim,
In selfless acts, devoid of claim.

The humble soul, a beacon bright,
Shines with a soft, enduring light.
In modesty, they find their might,
In giving more, they reach their height.

So let us all, with open mind,
Embrace the path, be ever kind.
For in humility, we find,
A strength that's pure, a heart aligned.
© Testimony
# Testimony1