

I can't wait to love you
Promise to be there for you
Pray you go farther and find true love
Pray the only one you trust is the one in the mirror
Pray i make you rich and If i dont give you wat u want i'll give you all you need
Pray you win and not pay for any of my sins
If it hasn't worked out is not the end
Is okay to fail as long as you try again
loyalty is an egg to keep
Pray you grow to be a better versoin of me
Dont let ya love go, treat him/her right
Dont let them hurt you, protect ya heart
Never let your feelings show even in ya sleep
Put God first in everything you do
Promise is easy to make and easy to break
Just be a man/woman of your word and remember money isn't everything....
To My Unborn Child, i love you
© airma