

Sedentary Life
Aren't you tired? Lying down on the bed,
Scrolling mindlessly through the various social media apps,
Aren't you tired of escaping reality? isn't it depressing watching your days being wasted?
Aren't you tired of being idle, watching other people live the life you want, your talents are wasted, those books won't read themselves,
The house won't tidy itself up, and you claim to be in a rut yet you do nothing about it,
Aren't you tired of playing the victim? don't you honestly want a change in your life?
Dear friend, get up, you're only depressed because you think you are, the only thing stopping you is YOU.
Get up, it's time to shine, your talents are wasting away, you know it, a voice weeps in your head, hates you for not getting up.
Get up, Dear friend, it's time to get active, stop living a sedentary life, and stop putting up with it, you're being selfish, Dear friend, the world is waiting for you, and if you do not care about the world, then the future you and the past you are waiting eagerly for you to get up.

© Freya Stone