

A Love Across Tides
Every night, I wait for you to rise,
Your silver light painting ripples on my skin,
I’m stunned by your beauty, glowing from afar,
Your presence, my comfort, my reason to dream.

And I rise for you, my dear ocean below,
Amazed by your vastness, your depths unknown,
How I wish to sail on you, to drift and be near,
But the sky is my cage, and I’m bound to my throne.

I feel you, even though we cannot touch,
Your light a gentle kiss upon my waves,
Though distance divides us, it cannot break,
The bond we share, deeper than any grave.

We love from afar, two hearts entwined,
Though our paths can never fully meet,
I’ll shine for you always, a beacon in the night,
Content that we’ve touched, in ways bittersweet.

Ocean & Moon:
Our love is the tide, ebbing and flowing,
A dance of souls across the night sky,
Though we cannot hold each other close,
We’ve touched each other’s hearts—forever, we’ll try.

© reddragonfly
