

Deep down I'm not happy really need this therapy back
Deep down, beneath the surface smile
A storm brews, and emotions pile
A weight presses, a heart confines
The truth hides, behind disguises and lines

I put on a mask, to face the day
Concealing pain, in a world of disarray
But in the quiet, when darkness falls
The facade crumbles, and the truth enthralls

I'm not okay, despite the pretence
A fragile soul, in a world of resistance
The cracks show, the tears unfold
A story of hurt, yet to be told

I need to confront, the demons inside
To face the fears, and let the healing glide
Therapy's solace, a guiding light
To navigate the darkness, and find the sight

To unravel the threads, of a tangled mind
To mend the breaks, and leave the heart aligned
To find the strength, to let go the pain
And discover happiness, like summer rain

So I'll seek the help, to mend the tears
To find my voice, and calm my fears
Deep down, I'll find the happiness I seek
And learn to love, the person I unique.