

Let's go to the past a little bit,
It's 2023, I'm in the corner of my room sobbing,
I didn't know who I was anymore, different masks and identities I had formed,
I didn't know who the real me was, I had friends that I didn't like and people never really knew me,
Everyday I was drained, pleasing people and being a fake,
I hated myself because I knew I was a fake,
Will I ever change? Will I ever stop pleasing people? I asked myself constantly.
I wasn't proud of me and I felt suicidal at a point,
I was scared to hurt their feelings but here I was hurting mine every single day, and then one day I decided to stop.
I knew it was going to be hard, but I chose hard, it wasn't easy but I decided to discover myself first, every personality and mask I had put on wasn't me.
The things I tried to like, wasn't what I genuinely liked, it came as a blow to me, every single day discovering different fragments of the real me lying inside of my soul.
I took a social media break, embraced the silence, it was hard trust me, I cried at times, I felt empty inside staying a way from people but I kept on going and boom! I found various ways to stop.
I came up with the "Don't smile" rule it was an effective one, I tried not to smile so I don't end up trying to please the person before me, I only smiled with people I genuinely liked.
I also came up with the "Don't force anything " rule, that way, I stopped forcing conversations and trying to make someone like me and I let things happen naturally.
It was hard but I pulled it off, I'm still on the journey of self-discovery and healing but here's what I have to say to every people-pleaser out there;
"I know it's eating you up inside, there are people who would love you for who you are, so stop trying so hard to get them to like you, you're unique and beautiful, Never stop being you".
"Never change for anyone, Remember you're always in control of a conversation, of your actions, don't settle for less, shine bright 🔆 like the star you are".

© Freya Stone