

Where Am From,"Ascent Home".
For how long shall we paddle?
I heard the cries of home, but yet we sail. Oh! once we smiled and listened to the hums of the little birds.
Now only the old sharkles I wear as my royal bracelets clang.

Yet we dance along to this rhythm, rocking and nodding; left to right - listening to the ambient noise of the gaint blue water echoes, and synchronize's in accord as our paddles - tabs and pushes.

Listen to the queens meow bitterly,
hunger is not the problem for these tears dripping down my cheeks. Now! I write this, a tale; to the lost lands and cultures of the world that shall cometh tomorrow.

Cavitating the boneless jaws of this wavy, unstable fields; on we go for miles unknown. The legends of home flees away, sinking beneath our feet; our hands remain's cuffed to our legs as we sink along.

To thy I speak with comfort now, but thou way weren't same as now.
Like an outrigger boat over the riff, home fade behind, but never did voice cry for a return home.
Only did my pain subside today, but to my mind is torture and bruise of yesteryears in the land of the strange white apes.

© Eben .K. Frimpong