

paranoid is a protection
My eyes or close eventhough they or open physically, I have a brain that mis interpret the wrong signal when people or near me. People call me paranoid, but the angels of heaven protect me from all evil that try to manipulate my soul from close range.

Defeation is only defeated by your own doing, Paranoid keep you linger in a time zone that only define your present mindset of situations that you let occur in your own life, Flesh will always destroy anything that belong to God, paranoid is your escape from humanity that seeks to destroy the color of your essence, your belief, your secret power that dwell beneath the surface of your soul that scream to be set free from all dismay of mankind.

Paranoid will never leave you or lie to you ,flesh will. Don't be fool by the present of people light that hides darkness
within their soul that define death that seek to destroy you with a gentle smile that will abrupt snashing of teeth that will bite you while you or sleeping, remain paranoid it's your safe haven from death.
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