

Black Wings
I saw it,

You saw it,

We all saw it.

The crumbs that stick to the ends of the loaf,

Fighting for the right to be swallowed.

"This is our America"

This is our century.

We have marched until our knees became shallow

We have shouted until our voices became hollow.

We have cried until our eyes became null.

Our hearts carrying cracks like shattered windows.

The very reality of our world becoming shards of bone that drinks penicillin.

Anguish fusing itself in our lungs.

How is it that a scoop of chocolate tongues are set to melt for speaking freedom?

The taste of red velvet for the vanilla suits will always crave the sugar that lurks in their wallets.

"This is our America"

Ringing bells to the ears of slavery.


A throbbing migraine,

A haphazard nightmare.

Touching my ancestor's skin,

Disturbing their blankets by burning their wool,

And twisting their education.

My people;

Swept under a rug,

Sliced by the "American Dream"

My people;

Fight against the arsonist,

Pray against the princes of 6.

My people;

Unable to bow,

Forever to move.

My people;

A force that separates the ocean from the sharks,

A whisper that kisses the moon goodnight.

Even if we are tired,

We will not sleep until our dreams breach.

My people;

The Aurora of the north,

The black wings that birth strength.


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