

I have watched my fears take control of my life before, I watched my fears kill every best moment I tried to experience, this time fear wouldn't win like I vowed. My slogan switched to enjoy every moment as it unfolds, I wasn't scared anymore or maybe I was scared but I tried controlling the impact it had in my life.
Am not good at assuming things, yes I try cause I'm afraid that I would ruin the moment with my being delusional,I'm afraid I create pictures in people's mind that they never had. I am an over thinker, each moment of my story has a maybe, maybe I'm not yet to the point of my happiness? Maybe I am but I'm just afraid to experience it.
I've met people that create the best in me or the worst in me, some beasts in me are as a result of what people created in me. Talking of beasts,I mean, fear, trust issues and many more. I don't really know if I give people the credit they deserve in the impact they bring into my life.
In that moment I had every possible thought that would cross any persons mind , today you meet someone handsome, in a blink of an eye , you create a forever in a short time, talk of tomorrow in your first date, Well this really scared me, maybe I never expected people to be this straight.
They say easy coming things fade easily too.
This where love Bombing crossed my mind. But then, I never want to loose the moments I've had with him.
Confronting the situation.....I'm not direct, I hate losing someone that my heart has grown fond of, I had to find a way to confront the situation. Like a drug, small bit by bit I let my fears known to him, and as his speciality lies in giving me the answers my heart wonna listen to, he gives me straight forward answers without hesitation.
I loved him for this and this gave me even more reason to laugh at the confusion and live the moment as it unfolds. This time love Bombing cleared from my mind and I let my happiness take control.
It's said that if something makes you happy,it doesn't have to make sense to other people. This time it's what I chose for me. Fear wasn't winning no more.

To be Continued
© Olive shiku