

Damn me
when I die don't cry
but Instead rejoice
for what once was a burden is lifted from your shoulders
don't remember me
because you never acknowledged me
don't wonder what if because it is over and you will never get another chance
don't burry me in the earth the flinched with every step I took
but burn my remains with the strongest acid so that nothing of me remains to remains to remind this earth of the useless soul that once tred this earth
burn all of my belongings and throw the ashes at sea
hate me
hate me as you did when I was alive when I am dead
loath me while you damn my spirit so that it does not come back to earth to seek closure
forget me
everything about me even how I forgave you when you treated me cruel
burn this poem because it will make you regret
it will fill you with guilt cleanse your conscious of any guilt you may feel afterwards
and finally live a carefree life
pay no mind to the girl you have broken and damned
nevermind her tears look away
pay no mind to her broken heart
because its hopeless nothing you do will fix what you did
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