

American Teenager
Dear,"American Teenager".
The ideal of fireworks in the front yard, sunsets on radium lawns, white Pickett fences keeping intruders out from a cozy functional nuclear family,
why cant I have it?

While I am an "American Teenager", someone should've rewritten the fine print on the contract I supposedly signed.

They said to read it slow, and that if I didn't, I'd find out the cons on my own. And even then, when I read that fine print, it never said:

•Results may vary based on skin color

•Love is love until society says you're loving the wrong person

•Your teenage experience is full of life altering changes inside and out

•Don't let them know you're
crumbling to your knees inside

•Emotions are unusual

•Emotions are for the weak

•don't wear your heart out on your sleeve before cupids twisted sister shatters it on New Year's eve

Nowhere in that fine print did it say any of those things.

Sold short on some poisoned faulty pathetic American dream.

So while I am an "American Teenager",
you, who is the pinnacle of an American Teenager won't have to say

"Hands up, don't shoot"
"I'm human too"
"We deserve rights too"
"I don't know what to do"
"There's an active shooter at school, so mom I love you."

If I could've known about the trials, tribulations, and stipulations beforehand, maybe I wouldn't have signed my name in red pen.

But here I am, future dark, oppression eager.
Tell me, what it's like to be you.

-Sincerely, An American Teenager

© Rynne