

I am a mess...
I am a mess..
I am constantly battling wars,
No one can see..
consumed in thoughts
shifting, changing, moving, vanishing, reappearing are these thoughts...
Mad am I. Lost inside....
Angry, happy, hold on tight,
I'll take you for a ride...
Today I take a flight..
Tommorow I dive..
hang on, we'll drive...
Don't like my mood ??
Give me five...
Up, down, I'm falling...
I crash.. Get lost in the past..
I hide in the dark..
Can't leave this bed,
Thoughts telling me I should be dead..
pop some pills, pump some lead ;
whatever it takes to ease the dread.
Nothing is right, but what the hell is wrong??? I wish I knew,
Cause then I could tell you..
I am a mess, just struggling to get dressed...I am bad with people..
or so I'm told, I don't fit in..
I'll never win.. I bow my head,,
Wait for the ride to begin again...
Consumed by these thoughts, I AM...