

Fighting in the Mine
Verse One
In the depths where shadows creep,
Dwarven bones in silence weep.
The path behind me, a memory sealed,
With courage as my shield, I march unyielded.
Torch in hand, I delve below,
Into the dark where ancient secrets grow.

The drums are pounding,
A storm is brewing,
Get ready—trouble's on the horizon,
A showdown's brewing deep in the mine.

Verse Two
As I journeyed deeper,
Moving stealthily through the shadows,
Aware that goblins lurked, eager to catch my scent,
I reached the very heart of the mine.
Before me stood the tomb of my fallen dwarven comrade,
And as I pored over his journal, dread washed over me—
A warning echoed in my mind, urging me not to linger.
Suddenly, a cacophony erupted from the well,
The chilling sound of war drums...