

Dad I Wish I Could Tell This
I'm humming in the dark
I hear the screaming
My soul gave out
Don't give it to him
To torture her
He encouraged my heart to break
Say it
A few words
A few years
Tears that have gathered and stuck inside

Give it to me, give it back
What cannot be
Leave me alone,
Let me go
No more words
I've found a way to live
Don't take me for a fool
I'm not your child anymore

Take me away with words
Bury me in your rage
So I won't look in the mirror
Howl me to dust
So I won't say a word
That would evoke your pain

Drowned in tears
The many salty wounds
I disguise you as false
Few not many
More than what it is
Blame yourself
Imitate tomorrow

I can't
Not because I told you
I've told everything
True and false
You're not stupid You're always right
But it would be right to say
To cause so much pain

Call me small and powerless
As if they don't see me strong
You know nothing of me
Don't blame me for this
I was killed somewhere
I don't know what's in my head
It's rattling around trying to get out
He's gonna slap me in the face
It wants to torture me

Scream, Daddy, if it'll make you feel any better
Call me a selfish, spoiled girl
I'm done so I can see more of your grouse
I've buried my tears
They've grown a flower
Our relationship we never had
I always wanted
You dug me up after I was well
No one likes you
I wish Mom was here
But she's crying
If heaven can hear
I pray for the better for both of you
Let's go away
Let's leave
Let the suffering little one go free
Blame me but I'm a sick soul
For you and without you
Burning words in my heart
I've memorized every wound
You say and I remember everything
But I won't say it
I won't say anything

Shout for me to say
Like I'm tied to an interrogation chair
A kind of connection is dead inside me forever
Give it back
I'll never have a normal childhood
They killed something
But I won't say
I have nothing to say
I have nothing to say to you.

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