

Letting Go
Let go of this delusion, burst the bubble where I dwell.

Then let reality set in to dissolve my wispy veil,

Let go of mindless babble; silently listen for awhile

Let go of false pretenses and slowly learn to smile.

Let go the jagged remnants, of my shattered heart.

Let go white knuckles clutching, so grief restrained may start.

Let go pathetic excuses and attempts to justify,

Addiction, plain and simply explains why we get high.

Let go the lies I tell myself, be brave enough to see,

Devastation happened in my past, now, release me agony.

Let go one single blood-curdling scream, make it worthy you get just one.

Let go of superficial friends, do unto them as they’ve done.

Let go of wishing that beauty would change me just for you

I’m proud of who I am inside, no one but I can fill my shoes.

Let go all of the games we play to avoid having to feel

Let go of who you think he wants, and be the one that’s real.

Heidi Shavill