

Belong here
I woke up underground I saw the path of fire i knew it all ended but I don't know why i ended up here
I know I lied alot that's the reason i died a lot every second of my life was a lie couldn't carry it anymore but wasn't able to cry out loud that's a lie
I walk the path saw a man was crushed under a car I heard a voice he drove on a dog so he is being drove over by the dog
I said we all belong here no need to lie
I said we all belong here no need to lie
I continue to walk i saw a wood chopped a man I saw bird kill a man by miss leading the direction to survive ' now that's karma man'
I heard a voice again do i have to explain agian now i guess not
I said we all belong here no need to lie
I said we all belong here no need to lie
I saw people drowning in garbage
I saw people dieing while oxygen around
I saw people being humiliated and being hated because they spreaded hate for no reason now i should ask how they fell
I saw people eat each other for food because they killed eachother for money before that's how it works I admit it and said
We all belong here no need to lie
I said we all belong here no need to lie
I said we all belong here no need to lie
I reached my destination my head cut off I saw my self bleed and said
We all belong here no need to lie
© entertainer