

A Mother's Love
You claimed you loved me, with words so sweet
But when I needed you most, you retreated
I gave you my all, my heart and my trust
But you abandoned me, like a leaf crushed.

I was left to face the consequences alone
A pregnant teenager, with no place to call home
You denied responsibility, with a coward's guise
Leaving me shattered, with tears in my eyes.

But I found strength in my baby's tiny heart
A love so pure, it never departs
I carried her with me, through every test
And vowed to give her a life, I never had best.

For nine long months, I walked the darkest road
But my baby's light, guided me through the load
I lived for her, through every struggle and strife
And in their eyes, I saw a love, that cut through life.

My baby finally came, I was happy to hear
My baby's first cry, a symphony so clear
While you were still furthering your education
I was suffering to raise my baby, with no help, no salvation.

Now you're here to claim, that my child is yours?
Are you that wicked, to actually want to take away
My very reason for living, my heart, my core?
Are you that cruel, to want to leave me poor?

My baby's life is mine, our bond is strong and free
You can't just take that away, can't you see?
I'll rise up, fierce and bold
My mother's love, will never grow old.

I'll shield my child, from your hurtful claim
And ensure her happiness, is never tamed
You may have missed, the first steps and the falls
But I've been here, through it all.

I've been the rock, the guiding light
And I'll keep being, my child's safe haven tonight
So step aside, and don't pretend
To be a parent, when you've never been.

My baby's life, is mine to lead
And I'll keep being, her safe haven, indeed.

© Promise Okon