

Life is better in loving colors
Life had no meaning for you until someone came along and brought out colors into your life.
But then you realize,
you don't know how good you got it,
until you ain't got it no more.
All the colors in the world doesn't satisfy
what's missing no matter the brightness.
Colors tend to fade especially when they bleed
to another color changing themselves to an entire new shade.
And once that color mixes with another it's not the same color anymore not itself anymore
and need that blended color to be a new.
Some colors like change they want to be blended
but others are better by themselves.
The standard dark colors are meant to stay alone bold and original because it doesn't mix well no matter what color it's mixed with.
"Unless it's lighten.
Most colors are happy being unmixed colors and they hope that the mixed colors are happy too.
Have a happy life mixed colors,
May God bless you...

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