

The stakes are high,
She can hear her heart pounding in her ears.
Is it now? She cant tell, she's been like this for more than a few years.
But something feels different and the energy around her is enlightened but it's coming from the inside. Her own mind. She can see every line, every curve of every shape. This world is hers now to take. She's been beaten down and pushed around that now she's going to be the only one in this entire town to not let her down. Rumors fly sky high but she's in another atmosphere, one where there is not any fear anywhere near. She feels ethereal, like a ghostly apparition that isn't quite real. She's ascended great heights and in only one night. This is no longer a fight for her own life but all the others like her, too. All the ones with no space, no clue where their place is. All the ones with buried gifts working late night shifts to pay the bills when what they really want is to run for the hills. It gives her chills down her spine to think of all the suffering happening down there all the time. To think she used to be there, wandering, constantly lost in rhyme with no sense of wellbeing, no clarity in what she was seeing.