

Swallow your tears
When everyone hears
Then no one can help him
Not that he can Not that he wants to
Maybe he'll even list his own shit
Which is a big problem for them
From their point of view, mine's a minor dilemma
Nothing to do but feel sorry for him.

Soothe it, that's fine,
We've got it, we've got it, we've got it
We've soothed our consciences
We were full of our own rotten sins
And it washed away
If it was there, it's gone now.

Now there's nothing to cry about
I'm finally soothed
They gave me advice that was pointless for a while
Of course I know it's no use
Your word and mine don't matter any more.

Maybe I'll reach a level with my new knowledge
After which inspiration will take over
Or maybe they'll be just fucked-up words
Empty, dirty and meaningless
No reason to stay but no reason to go
So you can get home, because where
It's fucked up like everything else
But never mind
I'll make it right
I'm gonna make it right
Just like I should have done before

Not that it makes sense to answer
To the question I don't know the answer to
I'm just looking for what I'm tired of
The feeling of letting go is overwhelming
But I can't find the answer in that either.

What I feel inside is a blur
But somewhere it's clear and bright
I know exactly
But my subconscious has betrayed me
And won't tell me what it knew What it learned

Hides all that he's done and dares not open his wounds
If only you could
It would help you in many ways
There'd be nothing to misunderstand
There's nothing more to put aside.

Saturday 2 December
I want to learn pain
To have something to count on

I want to shed all the tears
To have something to prepare for

I want to put a limit on time
How long it will take

I'd want someone
To take me to the sky

I want to change moments
To be better in the present

To know mistakes
To have something to fix

To take back my words
So I can speak more beautifully

I want to make a difference, to achieve the impossible
Even if the impossible crushes me, destroys me in here

I know my heart's deepest desires
Like a stranger.
And yet I could not reach
The certain impossible.

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