

A letter to me !
Many clouds passed by,
Some drenched my soul,
Some prevented the drench from draining!
Some shielded the ultra violet,
And some left me sun kissed,
But you were my sky,
Spreading your glittery stars and shimmery moonlight ,
Delighting the soul,
Enlightening my mood,
All time !!
Many circumstances encircled me ,
Some made me rejoice under my friends hands,
Some sucked my friends and left me alone,
Under scary nights,
Some turned out to be a great pleasure,
Some turned off all the light ,
Spreading darkens without any measure!!
But you embrace me irrespective of time,
Comforting and giving a cozy feel
Everytime I yarn with nostalgia,
You reminded me of the present,
My new path towards another challenging tourney,
Transformed my hopeless life into a magical world,
I have hurted you,
Not just one,
But many a times,
You allied your thoughts
With my useless brain,
Empowered it with all your positive vain!
Ohh my dear,
I neither wanted to Thank you nor want to apologize to you,
I just want to say I LOVE YOU 💟
© nivee