

The world moves to and fro
Like a leaf hung high above
In the surge of the morning I wake
Man moves peripathetically
A destination untold

The world breeds in kinds
Human's bid insatiable
Eyes glim in error
Faces trimmed with terror
The world falls in a blink

The world sinks deep
Beyond a level understood
Brothers hunting brothers
My happiness, his sad
And his sad my happiness

What has happened to the world?
Mothers drink from the cup
Which imputes drowsiness
Before their eyes, very eyes
Years of hard work destroyed
And little they sense

Life presents it's options
No one for man to choose
Behind lies a repercussion
Before lies a doom
Dilemma captivates

What shall I do?
I stay within my person
Face rests solely on opened palms
Eyes swingling in sight
The world is a scene unending.

© Yusuf Muhammad