

These things called life is not a like a paper you flip when you need an answer .

My life is like a flower. It started as a seed that was planted in someone's backyard. Every day this flower looked for sun and water as the roots started to sprout. The flower started to Eventually grow the flower has grown standing tall, strong , and beautiful. The flower has fully bloomed. But who's backyard? Who is responsible for this beautiful creation that I have become.

My life as open a lot of book that as become platform of inspiration, motivation and like a movie 🎦 people await to watch and view
My Words speaks more about My life

Growing up, I've seen wrong and very little of right.
People I loved,
Have come and have gone,
But the world never stopped,
And we all carried on.
Life wasn't easy,
And the struggles were there,
Filled with times that it mattered,
Times I just didn't care.
I hear a sad song, and tears roll down my face.
My life as Seen the fire 🔥 that burnt the soul of a man 👨 with a little mistake Who scream 😱 for help but no one heard his voice.
I look in the mirror and feel so out of place.
I don't want to become something larger than life.
I want to become something real and so right.
Do they understand am I understood?
Can life be better? I wish that it could.
Before I make a decision, I always think twice;
they say what can I do to help you feel better.
I say nothing because this is my life, but My life does not end there.

Sometimes life turns your way and it becomes what you want it to be. However sometimes it turns back to you and becomes your enemy.

My Poem is to tell people to always receive what life gives you whether good or bad.
You can never change the past and I also find it hard to forget it coz it leaves with you for the rest of your life. However you should focus on it to build a different future.

Every decision that we make leads us down a different road. We will never come to exactly the same crossroads. Every decision that we make has significance. The tiniest choice that we make reverberates throughout the entire universe.
As human beings, when we encounter a challenge, we have freedom to choose how to react

Life is just moments,
So precious and few.
Life is full of challenges.
How a person faces each challenge that comes their way however, says much about their character, who they are on the inside. Some people draw strength and inspiration from the experiences of others.

life For some, it's short, but they live it like no other.
For most, it's long, and to be happy they don't ever bother.
Life cannot be lived without the love of others.
The second we are born is the second we begin to die.
As a child, we live life and don't worry why.
As we grow, it gets tougher and we don't want to try.
Like everything else, it will end and we'll have to say goodbye
So live it with the future in mind
Because if you act in the moment life is never kind.
Live it with a purpose to be greater than many.

It has been said that life is the most patient teacher. You will be presented with the same experience over and over until you learn the best way to deal with the situation. This is not because life is cruel. Rather, it is because things have a way of coming back to haunt us when we don't deal with them. One form of intelligence is the ability to learn from mistakes. When you are presented with a painful experience, take the time to think about how you can avoid it in the future

