

An Instrument of Wall

The battle is not ready,
When the instrument of Battle is not ready;
The warrior cannot walk into the battle field
When his quiver is empty

The land cannot hope for rest,
When the weapons are not stacked
In the venom that strangle the high and low,
Weakening to lame the strongest feet!

The instrument of war,
The same in the camp of the enemy and the good,
Sharpen for destruction or restoration!
The warriors targets them swiftly!

Arrows in the quiver of the mighty,
The battle is set when they are set,
The battle is won when they are made!
Who possesses them first, wins the battle!

You are an instrument of war; do you know?
Smooth stones forged in fire!
Bringing down the mighty giant.
A feast for the birds of the air.

There is a battle over every soul of men; and the instrument of war are the men and women God has made in His image. This piece therefore points to the need to make ourselves available as arrows in the quiver of the Lord that He may win the battle over our lives.
Nevertheless, we must not forget to recognize the devises of the enemy of our souls wanting to hijack us and make us into instrument of destruction when we are meant to be instrument of restoration for our generation.

© Abidemi Afolabi
May, 2021 Poetry Series

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