

Justice for the crime lies
Nobody updated me
At my adopted father crime case
I feel like I should have chased it
But I don't have a voice to let it.

The pound in my heart is so loud
Because of the pain I held in
Without a justice
Of my own father crime scene.

I wanted to help him like he help me
When nobody choose me
He made me dream of the hope
Someday I will be.

I'm sad nobody had an voice
Because of the power it threatened.

The power is in the voice of it's source, Because without a source you cannot have voice.

A high power can threatened the weak but When the power is gone they will come begging for the weak.

A money is everyone thirsty to had.

A teamwork is just something when they are in need.

"Protect the justice of your family" they said
But they lied infront of my face just to protect themselves and me.

I'm glad they did protect me
But it's time to make the justice
For the love I will give.

© Bubblelife2006