

i am from - 04/18/18
I am from cooking and baking
From essential oils and dryer sheets
I am from the spacious, one story home in
Where it feels comfortable and smells like lavender and home cooking

I am from the grand bay window in the living room that brings in the shiniest Sun on the hottest days.
The colossal crimson maple in the backyard whose long arms I remember I attempted to climb as a kid.
The aged limbs I remember as if they were my own

I’m from the bookshelves and candor
That my mom and my sister brought in
I’m from ‘Food is what we’re having for dinner’ and ‘Do we look like we have a money tree growing in the backyard?’
And from ‘Because I said so.’
A line that often caused anger.
I’m from ‘Life isn’t fair’ and ‘We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.’
And ‘Your mother and I are NOT Santa.’

I’m from long, pointless arguments with my sisters
Loud and inconsequential.
Arguments aggravating anybody nearby.
Arguments I chuckle at now because of their insignificance.

I’m from going to Church on Sundays with my seven child family.
I’m from rarely missing a holy day of obligation.
I’m from Eastern Europe and Iowa and Ireland
I am from my memories up in my closet
With my pictures and family rosary
Up in my closet and in my heart.

I’m from boxed moments that I love with all of me.
I’m from my past, using the stuff I have done to push me and help me to persist.
To remind me to never stop trying and there will ALWAYS
Be a light at the end of the tunnel.

I am from soccer
And the emotions I feel with it.
The sport that makes me feel extraordinary
When I play it, I feel alive
I feel like nobody exists BUT me
Like the world couldn’t stop me even if they tried
I’m from soccer because
I feel invincible

I’m from Teddy and Strawberry.
My two favorite things I have had since birth and the carriers of all my memories.
From when I have cried, when I have had bad nightmares, and for when I have needed something to keep my little kid legs warm.
The best Teddy bear and Strawberry Shortcake ‘blanky’ in the world.

I’m from the future and the person I plan to be.
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