

fragments of my soul
so close yet so far away. i can feel you thinking of me yearning for the soft embrace of my arms wrapped around you like a blanket. when you think of me I feel you. when your heart is heavy and you need me, I feel you. i feel your sorrow , your pain.
every moment not spent with you is one I’d like to replace.
it’s hard to even want to smile when everytime look in the mirror i see your face.
the face of an angel the most beautiful thing. the universe cannot compair to the brightness of your soul.
the light you shine out shines the sun, with out you my world is kept in darkness. your smile transcends the stars makes my heart full.
your voice, if it were the only thing I could hear I would die happy and with out fear.
so close yet so far away you are from me ,not at all the way that it should be. you should be here next to me, cracking jokes and laughing setting our hearts free.
i miss you like the the moon misses the sea , constantly pulling on what it can just to get a little bit closer.
i feel like I have no right to even smile with out you here
my future is dismal, and shrouded by, all the dark clouds that fill the sky.
The darkness that consumes me is only temporary, situational at best. Until we are together again I surely can not rest.
© S.S.N