

Healing in the Shadows: Embracing Hurt
In shadows deep, where pain resides,
A tale unfolds of hurt's cruel tides.
It whispers softly, cuts so deep,
A sorrowed soul, it longs to keep.

A wounded heart, with scars unseen,
Reflects the anguish, fierce and keen.
A symphony of tears it weaves,
Aching wounds that time retrieves.

Yet in this hurt, a strength takes form,
Resilience blooms midst raging storm.
For in the depths of darkest night,
A seed of healing finds its light.

From broken pieces, courage springs,
Embracing scars, the heart now sings.
With tender grace, it learns to mend,
Transforming pain, a journey's blend.

The hurt, though painful, need not define,
For through its trials, we realign.
With open hearts and souls set free,
We find the path to harmony.

So let us honor wounds we bear,
With empathy, compassion's care.
For in our hurt, we learn to heal,
And find in scars, a love that's real.
© Bittercrazy18