

[ The Pirates' Tale of Sorrow ]
Sorrow the pirate
Twas about to walk,
The mighty wooden plank
With shackled wrists
And legs the same,
To ensure that Sorrow sank

The journey short
Though long in stride,
Consumed the light of day
As step by step
His feet did walk,
To death, Sorrow made way

"Ah, faster now
You swine of man,
You see away the sun."
"For when it goes,
Then so shall you.
Your life, this day, be done."

Then Sorrow turned,
To face the man
Belching out words aloud
Then veered his eyes
Up to the sky
And let silence weigh the crowd

The clouds did part
And shown the sun
The heat did sweat his brow
Then cool breeze blew
Against his skin
And whistled through the prow

A moments rest
Relaxing breath
Time seemed to disappear
With enemies
Sentencing death
His ship, they commandeer

Then memories
From all his life
Did flash before his eyes
Both good and bad
The crowd spoke out, chastised

"Speak now yar words
Soon lifeless one,
Plead mighty, to the gods."
Sorrow stayed still
His mouth not move,
He stand weighing the odds

The sun still crept
To hiding place,
Devoured by the ocean
"Lets shoot him first
Help weigh him down!"
One man started, commotion

A settled cheer
All with, agreed
Bullet, to be embed
Muskets loaded
Then aimed up north
Explosions marked for head

The powder packed
And fuses lit
Sorrow, a choice, must make
Death by the sea
Or from the gun
Which would a hero take

His chains were tight
To strong to free
If jump, he'd surely drown
While bullets burn
Destroy the flesh
A corpse, not fit a crown

The sun slipped down
Then came a shot
Bullet escaping gun
And Sorrow dove
Into the sea
Action, not be undone

Unknown whether
The bullet struck
Sorrow still lost his life
And left behind
A story sung
In duet, with the fife

Though stories told
To entertain
Are far misunderstood
For Sorrow found
Treasure so great
No pirate ever would

On life, he held
So desperately
Until sea bottom reached
His eyes witnessed
A marveled site
Such hoard, never was preached

And so it's said
Throughout the world
In pirates' tales of old
Find Sorrow bound
And set him free
Then you shall find the gold

© HeartOfBabel