

I walked into the hall feeling a thousand stares directed to me,I'm running out of breath,I cant believe it's so hard to breath. I tried speaking but my voice came out muffled,my legs wobbled,whilst my eyes glistened with tears but yet not fallen.
why do this keeps happening to me?does it means I've failed again?Just when I thought I've overcome this imminent threat called 'FEAR',it came sturdily back to me!but then I can't give up. This people are expecting an astutive performance from me...then I remembered what God told me in 2 timothy 1:7,so why then should I allow fear prevail against me,when I have yet another assurance in Deuteronomy 31:6, NO! I can't give up when he promised me in hebrews 13:6, He gave me a challenge in proverbs 28:1. I am a lion and cannot be defeated,I can't be fearful because I AM A CONQUEROR!!!