

A Conversation With God And Paper
I love to speak. 
I don't know why, but I just do. 
But unfortunately, there is no one who can listen to all my crap non-stop. 
People often say, "Men in love can listen to their ladies' crap non-stop," but guess what? 
That wasn't the case with me... 
So, this time I chose wisely and started sharing everything with my God.
After my God, 
I chose the dearest object in the world, who listens to me whenever I want to speak: 
I keep talking, and it keeps listening, 
Without any complaints or judgments. 
And I feel Anne Frank was right when she said, "Paper is more patient than people." 
And I thank my God for blessing me with the skill of playing with words and giving me the power to write my thoughts! 
© Nainika